The Aquaculture Association of Queensland

The Aquaculture Association of Queensland Inc, (AAQ) is the representative body for producers of freshwater finfish and crayfish. Its members include hatcheries providing fingerlings and fry, growers of table fish and ornamental fish. Members operate under food safety, environmental, and hatchery codes of practice

Announcement: New Membership Only $75.

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About AAQ

Welcome to the Aquaculture Association of Queensland (AAQ).

The AAQ represents all freshwater aquaculture in Queensland, from grow-out to hatcheries, Australian native and ornamental aquarium fish and crayfish. Our members produce species such as Silver perch, Jade perch, Murray cod, Barramundi and Bass. One of the primary benefits of becoming a member with the AAQ lies in the power of collective action. By bringing together our members, large and small, the AAQ creates a unified voice that can advocate for shared interests, whether it be influencing policy decisions, negotiating with regulatory bodies, or addressing common challenges.

The AAQ has two membership classes.

  1. Full members: These are members that hold an aquaculture licence, or Development Approval, or Self Assessable They are considered commercial operations. If you fit into this category, you must join as a “full member.”
  2. Associate member: If you do not fit into the category of a full member, but would still like to be a member of the AAQ so you can receive the newsletter and attend conferences and workshops, and other benefits of AAQ membership, you can apply to join as an “associate “

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This plan has been sponsored by the Aquaculture Association of Queensland Inc (AAQ) for numerous reasons including:

  • Queensland’s production is expected to expand rapidly this year (About 55 tonnes of silver and jade perch were produced in 2000-01 and sold mainly to the domestic live market. NSW produced about 230 tonnes).
  • Several large production units using new technologies could begin operations during the next few years.
  • Prices on the domestic market have declined significantly in recent
  • To clarify and increase understanding of the roles of individual businesses, industry bodies and government in the industry’s
  • To facilitate prioritisation of industry level activities and interaction with government agencies.

The Queensland freshwater finfish aquaculture industry through a technical advisory group has formulated this Code of Practice in recognition of the industry’s need to become recognised as an environmentally responsible and sustainable industry and to assist industry members define standards of performance.

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Over 25 years of Industry experience.

The association works closely with govermnent and is represented on all industry/government bodies. The association is a member of the Queensland Aquaculture Industries Federation Inc. This body represents the aquaculture industry at many levels of government.

The AAQ represents the following bodies

Queensland Aquaculture Industries Federation

Freshwater Ministerial Advisory Committee

Stocked lmpoundment Permit Scheme Sub-committee

Translocation Sub-committee

Aquatic Animal Chemical Residues and Chemical Use Working Group

Dept of State Development & Innovation Aquaculture Reference Group

Pond Construction Technical Advisory Committee

Product Promotion

The AAQ represents its members at trade shows. Members gain exposure to potential markets in Australian and overseas through this initiative. 

The association also works with Government departments to develop promotional materials, such as pamphlets, posters, and recipe cards. These are made available to members. With the assistance of QDPI Fisheries Services we have held a number of field days and booths at agricultural field days. This allows licensed members and the sponsors of the AAQ to display their products with little or no cost.

view of fish ponds aaq
adult fish sleepies and babies aaq
ponds for perch
Pond liners and shade cloth for fish farm aaq

AAQ Membership Options

Associate ($50)

Associate membership is open to those who do not meet the requirements of full membership but actively support or have an interest in the industry. You receive the association newsletter and have the opportunity to attend workshops/conferences etc.

Full Membership ($75)

Full membership is open to those who hold an aquaculture license or development approval. These members are considered commercial operators within the industry (grow out or hatcheries).

Club Sponsors

Big nutrition sponsor aaq

Copyright and Trademarks.

The Aquaculture Association of Queensland Inc. (AAQ) 

The Aquaculture Association of Queensland Inc., (AAQ) are either the owner or licensed user of the copyright in the material on this site. You may not reproduce, adapt, upload, link, frame, broadcast, distribute or in any way transmit the material on this site without our or AAQ’s written consent, other than to the extent necessary to view the material or as permitted by law.